September is here and for many leaders it feels like a new beginning with new dreams and goals. It is a hopeful time of the year that is similar to January when we express our New Year’s resolutions. As leaders in the northern hemisphere transition from summer to fall we shift our mindsets from playful summer to a more focused direction in autumn. There is both excitement and intent that surrounds us as we think about what our new leadership direction needs to be. We go back to our childhood school year beginning and once again ask: What will my New Year look like? Who will I connect with this year? What will I learn to help me grow my career?

 As leaders embrace their “kick in the pants” attitude they look inwards to assess where they have been and where they are headed. Let’s begin the September journey together right now.

September is a great time for leaders to honestly look at the goals they set for the year. Click To Tweet

Five September Goals For Leaders:

1. Breathe and Look Back Honestly

The first step in analyzing how we want to propel forward is to take a deep dive into where we are presently and how we got here. Take out those New Year’s or last September goals and reflect where you stand. As you look through them don’t forget to keep breathing as you acknowledge what went according to plan and what fell apart. Don’t make excuses; just be honest about whether or not you met the goals, exceeded the goals or fell short.

2. Identify Some New Trends and Interests

Marching forward, it is helpful to recognize what has changed in the work world around you as well as point out what now fascinates you. Some great strategies to identify some of those new trends and interests are:

  • Pull out the books you have been reading and see what new concepts you want to add to your daily routine.
  • Locate new ideas you have learned from the articles and blogs you have read.
  • Look around your workplace and spot the direction things are moving. Don’t hide but rather see how you may fit into the transformed team.
  • As always allow any of your new interests to lead the way.

3. Choose 3 Areas To Challenge Yourself

September is the best time to step outside of your comfort zone and go for it. That may mean tackling a new training course or setting up one-on-ones with someone in another department or asking for a stretch assignment. The air outside is getting crisp and so is your brain. Charge ahead and grow your leadership.

When the leaves turn colors and the air becomes crisp leaders step outside of their comfort zones to reassess. Click To Tweet

4. Create A Plan Of Action

Our goals will go nowhere without a clear and actionable plan. There is no sense in conducting an assessment of where we started, where we are and where we’re headed without a written document to keep us on track. Honor your leadership by developing a plan of attack.

  • List out actions still needed to complete your existing goals. Don’t forget to use timeframes.
  • Design new goals for changes in business trends and your organization’s priorities. Use specific objectives.
  • Write out any new interests that you may want to explore or learn more about. Be clear how you will follow through.

5. Reach Out and Connect With An Accountability Buddy

The final September goal is to select an accountability partner-someone who you trust and has your best interests at heart. Ask them if they would help you keep moving in your new direction by meeting with you periodically to assess your progress. Accountability buddies can be colleagues, bosses, or even friends. These individuals are often our biggest fans.

What other September goals would you add to help grow your leadership?

(Image Credit: Pixabay)

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