What a year it has been for all leaders. As the calendar drifts to close off 2023, it is a perfect time for leaders to choose what shoes they want to put on to cross over to the possibilities of 2024. But before they make the transition, saying goodbye and reflecting on the ups and downs of this past year is the first step towards deciding on which path they will walk down. When leaders carefully and honestly take a deep dive into their professional and personal lives during 2023, they empower themselves to take stock and bring to light all the lessons they have learned.

Some powerful questions leaders may want to ask themselves at the close of the year are:

  • What projects brought the greatest joy and energy?
  • How well did I do in reaching my goals?
  • Where did I trip up?
  • What created the most surprises for me?

Once leaders have a clear picture of how the past year played out, they need to honor themselves for their fortitude and achievements. Toast with colleagues or friends. Take some time off of work if possible, to enjoy the remainder of the year. And no matter what, take time to breathe in your magnificence. You made it!

What will the upcoming year look like?

 Get ready to tap dance your leadership into the New Year!

 1. Put Out Your 2024 Welcome Mat

Begin the New Year by designing the most inviting welcome mat for your 2024 leadership. What images or text would represent how you are entering the new year? Think bold. Think brave. Think of a metaphor that might remind you who you are each time you take a step on your inspiring welcome mat.

Begin your 2024 leadership with a vibrant and inspiring welcome mat. Click To Tweet

2. Choose The Mindset That’s Pulling You

When leaders launch themselves into a new year it is important to decide on how they want to “be”. Setting the “being” part of their leadership is just as important as creating the “doing” part. Here are some questions to ask yourself to explore your “being”:

  • How do I want to feel about my leadership?
  • What tone or energy do I want to display?
  • Is there a way to showcase my confidence and compassion?
  • How will I stay true to myself?

3. Brainstorm The Direction To Move

So where are you headed in 2024? After you reflected on the past year, there may be some projects that you want to pursue more deeply or assignments that just don’t sing to you anymore. You get to choose the leadership vision that most aligns with your values. For example, if last year left you empty of surrounding yourself with meaningful work or personal relationships, then make building connections a priority for this coming year. If there is an area you are curious about discovering, then think about how you can learn more about it. The important part of developing your leadership direction is that you make sure the path calls out to you, not to anyone else.

Leaders get to choose the next steps in the coming year that bring them joy and purpose. Click To Tweet

4. Identify Your Goals With Energy

Now that you have painted your leadership vision for the new year, it’s time to create goals to achieve it. Without goals, it is difficult to hold yourself accountable. It’s not valuable to just create your “north star”; it is important to name the steps you will take to reach it. SMART goals are often the most useful:

  • S- Specific
  • M- Measurable
  • A- Achievable
  • R- Relevant
  • T- Time-bound

5. Design The Accountability That Works For You

Most importantly, it is essential for leaders to decide how they want to be held accountable for advancing their leadership into the new year. Some leaders find an accountability partner to work with. That may be a colleague, boss or friend. Other leaders may find partnering with a coach to be most helpful. Coaches can also help open possibilities that leaders may not have considered through their powerful questions and unique intuitive skills. The choice is up to each leader.

How will you tap dance your leadership into the New Year?

 If you are curious in learning about coaching, just click here.

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