Leading in an authentic manner doesn’t have the same meaning for each of us because authenticity is one of those words tossed around like a football. For some leaders, being authentic conjures up “touchy-feely” type behavior while other leaders have a tough time digging inside of themselves to locate their true selves. Yet if we can fill our work worlds with authentic leaders we will create authentic workplaces.

Here are four reasons why authentic leaders and workplaces make sense:

1. When We Lead With Authenticity We Behave More Ethically

Perhaps the easiest way to understand what authentic leadership is all about is by asking ourselves: Who am I and what core values impact my leadership? Not only is it critical to align our personal values with our leadership actions but also leaders need to connect with their organizational values. In a recent Harvard Business Review article, studies showed that when people brought their whole selves to work they had a greater sense of authenticity as well as ethical behavior. Additionally the study revealed that when people were given more control at work it increased their sense of authenticity that led to ethical actions.

Authentic leaders are able to make ethical choices based on their core values. Click To Tweet

2. Authentic Leaders Are Self-Aware

Understanding their strengths and blind spots helps leaders perform at their best levels. If there is a project or assignment that requires skills and knowledge a leader is unfamiliar, self-aware leaders are able to be honest and reach out for help. Their authentic self triggers the truth about a situation. Self-aware and authentic leaders ask:

  • Am I the best team member to be overseeing this assignment?
  • Do I have the background and experience to perform well?
  • Should I be reaching out to a more qualified person?
  • How could I get better educated about this issue?

3. Authentic Leaders Cultivate Stronger Team Connections

When leaders are authentic they show other team members all of their sides. They are able to be vulnerable in the way they act and communicate. That means they use clear and respectful language in addition to being strategic listeners. When we lead with this type of clarity and intention, we develop meaningful rapport with others. We also become more impactful and influential as we can count on others in the same way they can count on us to come through.

Authentic leaders are able to cultivate accountable teams and workplaces. Click To Tweet

4. Authentic Leaders Have Far Greater Results

Just think about this: honest and driven team members who are able to connect in an authentic manner. What could be better for high performance? The secret of successful teams is having leaders who are authentic in the way they share and interact. When authenticity permeates the workplace:

  • Everyone is clear about the vision and mission of their organization.
  • People are encouraged to speak up even when their suggestion may be unpopular.
  • Deadlines are not often missed because team members can be counted on to pitch in.
  • There is a high level of trust and transparency; information is openly shared.
  • There is a strong sense of belonging to a caring team and organization.

What other reasons would you add to the value of being an authentic leader? How do you bring authenticity to your leadership?

(Image Credit: Pixabay)

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